Posts in Habits
How do you deal with your inner critic?

You know the voice that I am referring to, right? That voice that shows up loud and clear when you want to do something new and tells you that you should’t because you will fail, because you are not prepared, because you are not smart…

That inner voice can be a painful critic, keeping you stuck and feeling insecure.

Would you like to know how to deal with the voice? 

Then head to this weeks’ video here, and learn the first step to deal with your inner critic. 



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How to change your perspective and argue less

There is a way to change your perspective and see the situations differently so you can measure the importance of these arguments and decide if they are even worth to go into them. 

If you are interested in learning how to change your perspective and maybe even avoid getting into arguments in the first place, check this week’s mini-video!



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